Announcing a youth music video contest!

Sing a parody of the song “You’ll be back” from the musical Hamilton. Multiple $200 / $100 / $50 prizes will be awarded in each county of Wisconsin's 2nd district, starting in July, 2022. Click here for more details

States should send citizen legislators to Congress, not career politicians.

Imagine that.

Douglas Alexander is generating momentum for a Constitutional Amendment limiting members of Congress to three terms in the House, two in the Senate.

Let's grab coffee
Yes, really!

Congress before and after Term Limits

three fundamental things

Term Limits.

My mission is to get people thinking about the many benefits of having term limits on Congress, and to give them hope that it can really be done!

Why make such a big deal about Term Limits on Congress?

Please watch video #0: Announcing Senate run and Five Foundational Facts and..” and also the zoom skit, which starts slow but will grab your attention!: everything else most of us voters want--left or right--such as limiting money in politics, an end to gerrymandering, ending corrupt practices (such as members of Congress buying single stocks, and taking lobbyist jobs) will become easier after term limits are imposed on Congress.

But why run for the Senate when Eric Hovde has so much more visibility?

Eric Hovde is a good man. I recognize he has the inside track to win the nomination as the GOP candidate. And from what I read of Rejani Raveendran and Stacey Klein, they are good women, and Kyle Corrigan and Patrick Schaefer-Wicke are good men. But campaigns are more than about picking a candidate--a lot more. Campaigns are meant to be educational. This is the time when we normal citizens have the freedom to step up and enter the public forum with ideas and concerns to help galvanize the public. This is the time when hard-working citizens around the great state of Wisconsin take time out to learn about the issues, discuss them with their family and friends, and ultimately choose which candidates are best addressing those issues. A good candidate contributes to the education of the public. I’m committed to educating the public about the value of imposing term limits on Congress (that’s hardly necessary since almost everyone on both sides wants to), and more importantly: how to achieve it. The good news?--there is hope! It can be done. I’m running to carry that message to anyone in Wisconsin willing to listen and learn.

Douglas's Radio Debate

This Radio debate, moderated by Tim Bremel at the WCLO studios in Janesville, occurred in 2022.

Term Limits

We need citizen legislators in Congress if we expect Congress to address the difficult issues.


I took issue with the 100% pro-Israel position and received some push back from some of my followers


We need a multi-faceted plan that takes into account the nuances of the mess Congress has gotten us.

Climate Change

Whenever Congress allots money, there are winners, and there are losers...

Elections & Incumbents

Incumbents have stacked the deck in Congress: they get re-elected ~93% - 96% consistently

Dysfunction in Congress

Douglas gently presses Rep. Pocan on the dysfunction in Congress

Moderators compliment "best debate"

Radio talk show host Tim Bremel says this was the best debate of which he's ever been a part.

Thank you, signees!

Douglas handed the WEC (Wisconsin Elections Commission) 1,032 signatures on May 31st! The WEC struck 21, so his total was 1,011. He would not have felt comfortable with any less than what he handed in, so every one of you signed before May 31 helped him get on the ballot! The last 11 helped him sleep well on the 31st. :)

All of you in Dodgeville, Barneveld, Mt. Horeb, Monroe, McFarland, Evansville, Monona, Sun Prairie, Deforest, Waunakee, Middleton, and Madison: thank you! Please join my newsletter (it will be via email) below and let's get this thing going!

Here are some other issues important to me. What are yours? Let's chat.

Final Five Voting

Final Five voting will help change the dysfunctional dynamic currently poisoning most elections. Especially in the primaries--when typically only the most dedicated party members vote--candidates cater to the far left or far right of their base. A more moderate candidate is less likely to win a primary election. Thus, in the general election, a far right and far left candidate sling mud at each other, and little intelligent debate of the issues occurs. A large part of the community is turned off by such a campaign. A better way is final five voting.

Animosity in politics; animosity in our communities

Many of us are wary of having a good, lively debate about the issues of the day lest we lose a friend or alienate a relative.  Congress can’t pass a law requiring kindness and grace, but this unhealthy dynamic is something to talk about in the public square. Lets start a gracious conversation about what’s going on.

Regenerative Farming

Our dysfunctional Big Food system pushes upon us processed foods that are basically pre-masticated: most nutrients, vitamins, and fiber are strained out, inserted are sodium, sugar, and chemicals.  The result? Our unsuspecting society is more obese and lethargic than ever, with higher rates of diabetes, heart disease, chronic pain, depression, and addictions. Congress subsidizes such sickness with our tax dollars and receives large campaign donations in return. A better way?--regenerative farming. Congress should make it easier for farmers to switch to regenerative farming, not put up roadblocks.

More Issues
Step One
We need 2,000 signatures of registered Wisconsin voters in order to get on the ballot. Please click on the top menu item “How to help” for more details.
Step Two
We need your help to jump-start this movement for term limits.  Here are two painless ways:

- The most valuable: commit to asking one person a day between now and Aug 13: “Have you ever heard of Douglas Alexander?”  When they likely answer “no,” respond with a simple, non-controversial comment such as; “He’s running for the Senate with his #1 goal of getting term limits on Congress.  I don’t know if I’m going to vote for him or not, but I may--he’s not the typical politician.”  Then leave it at that.  No controversy, no argument, but you’ve planted a seed.  If all of you reading this do that once a day, it will be more effective that millions of dollars in TV ads…and we’ll win.  Please click here to learn about how you can “earn” rewards as a member of my team by committing to the above.

- Donate: even $5 sends a message.  How so?--Douglas explains on the “donate” page, above.

Naval Officer.
High School Teacher. Account Executive.

Douglas Alexander is a hard-working citizen who has decided to step up and represent Wisconsin people like himself and yourselves.  He respects the legitimate role for the federal government, but things have gotten out of hand.  

There’s something rotten in Washington, and the smell is coming from Congress. The president has term limits; it's past time for members of Congress to be term limited as well.  This isn’t a mere talking point for Douglas, it is his mission.  

Let's Chat

Put some time on my calendar for a virtual or in-person meet-and-greet.

Schedule time
Photo by Ross Schuette

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